I tried making my first shaker card ever and this is what I came up with. My baby girl has her first birthday soon so Henry mouse with his huge cupcake from Whiff of Joy was just perfect for this card. I had never made a shaker card before, but thought it would be fun to try to make one. I didn´t really follow any tutorial even though I know there are many to be found floting on the web. I just used the materials I had laying aroung and found a great new use for those chipboard rings that are left behind when all the douple sided tape is used (I can´t really live without my double sided tape and it´s a good thing I have saved those rings). I used buttons inside the shaker box as there was plenty of room for them. I covered two challenges with this one card as I used the sketch from Friday Sketchers and the idea for the shaker came from Jehkotar CardChallenge... and finally as the image is from WoJ this shall be my 10th entry into Katharina´s GDT Call.
Kokeilin ekaa kertaa shaker-kortin tekoa ja tällaiseen lopputulokseen sitten päädyin. Leimakuvana on WoJ:n Henry-hiiri suuren muffinsinsa kanssa. Tein kortin Friday Sketchersin luonnoksen pohjalta ja idea shakerkorttiin tuli Jehkotar CardChallengesta, lisäksi tämä on nyt sitten kymmenes korttini Katharinan GDT hakuun.
At the last minute I had this crazy idea of making the shaker part into a magnet aswell...so that´s what I did and glued a magnet to the back of the shaker, finished the sides with some satin ribbon (had only white but coloured it with PM´s which worked like wonder) and attached the whole thing to the card with foam pads. The card´s so 3D it won´t fit into an envelope nicely but I don´t really care as it looks great LOL.
Päätin viime sekunneilla tehdä helistimestä vielä magneetinkin, joten liimasin taustalle magneetin, siistin reunat Promarkereilla väritetyllä satiininauhalla ja kiinnitin koko komeuden korttiin 3D tarrapaloilla. Kortti on niin kolmiulotteinen ettei mahdu enää nätisti kirjekuoreen, mutten jaksaa siitä kovasti välittää kun muuten olen siihen tosi tyytyväinen.
Tää on aivan mahtava kortti, väritys ja värimaailma aivan huippua :))
VastaaPoistaTodella kaunis toteutus! Upean näköisiä nuo napit helistimen sisällä, tykkään kovasti!!